Administrative Policies and Governance Documents

Purpose and Standardization

为了以最有效的方式执行esball官方网的使命, 维护清晰和当前的管理政策和其他治理文档是必要的. 学院建立了一套标准化的收养程序, review, and promulgation of such documents.

以标准格式呈现并且易于查找的治理文档, read, and understand, and will (1) help provide faculty, staff, and students with clear guidance on policy and procedures; (2) promote compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and other standards; and (3) maintain accountability.


Policies and Documents Organized by Area

Functional Group Governing Document And
Associated Forms
Type of Document Document Owner Most Recent Approval Date
Administration Class Cancellation/College Closing policy Administration and Finance 2013
Administration Event-Related Temporary Signage policy Administration and Finance 2010
Administration Operation of College Vehicles policy Facilities and Operations 2015
Administration 第三方利用校园户外设施作演讲场所 policy Facilities and Operations 2015
Administration Research policy Office of Research and Grants Administration 2014
Administration Public Art and Campus Beautification executive action President's Office 2010
Administration 学院设施的租用及使用(活动管理系统) policy President's Office 2010
Administration Faculty-Led Field Trip-Travel Health History Form form 专业研究和继续教育,金融副主席 2014
Administration 教师领导的实地考察-旅行参与者协议 form 专业研究和继续教育,金融副主席 2014
Administration Faculty-Led Field Trip-Travel Request Form form 专业研究和继续教育,金融副主席 2014
Administration Faculty-Led Field Trip and Travel Risk Management policy 专业研究和继续教育,金融副主席 2014
Administration 教师主导的当地实地考察要求和建议 policy 专业研究和继续教育,金融副主席 2014
Administration Overnight Parking policy Security and Safety 2016
Administration Weapons on Campus policy Security and Safety 2016
Administration Parking procedure Security and Safety 2015
Administration Lost or Abandoned Property policy Student Union 2016
Administration Reporting Policy Child Abuse or Neglect policy Administration and Finance 2019
Functional Group Governing Document And
Associated Forms
Type of Document Document Owner Most Recent Approval Date
College Advancement Alumni Association policy Alumni Affairs 2013
College Advancement 赠予有形及不动产学院-尽职调查表格 form College Advancement and External Relations 2015
College Advancement College Advancement Confidentiality Agreement policy College Advancement and External Relations 2010
College Advancement College Advancement policy College Advancement and External Relations 2010
College Advancement Gifts to the College of Tangible and Real Property policy College Advancement and External Relations 2015
College Advancement 个人和实体识别的命名机会 policy College Advancement and External Relations 2010
College Advancement For VIP notification please contact:
College Events & Conference Services at 401-456-8900 or​
  College Events & Conference Services 2019
College Advancement VIP Guest Visits policy College Events & Conference Services 2010
College Advancement RIC Foundation policy RIC Foundation 2014
Functional Group Governing Document And Associated Forms Type of Document Document Owner Most Recent Approval Date
Finance Accounting Office policy Accounting Office 2015
Finance Travel by College Employees policy Accounting Office 2013
Finance Capitalization policy AVP Finance and Controller 2012
Finance Petty Cash policy Controller 2013
Finance Intellectual Property policy President's Office 2011
Finance Purchasing procedure Purchasing Office 2011
Functional Group Governing Document And Associated Forms Type of Document Document Owner Most Recent Approval Date
Human Resources Travel by Candidates for Employment procedure Accounting Office 2013
Human Resources Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action policy Affirmative Action 2012
Human Resources Illegal Harassment | More Information policy Affirmative Action 2013
Human Resources Statement on Personal Relationships statement Council of RIC 2009
Human Resources Leave for Administrative Service policy Human Resources 2015
Human Resources Personal Relationships policy Human Resources 2014
Human Resources Service Recognition practice Human Resources 2014
Human Resources Search Committee Guide for Faculty Hiring procedure Human Resources 2021
Human Resources College Flags at Half-Staff practice President's Office 2013
Human Resources Emeritus Appointments practice President's Office 2014
Functional Group Governing Document And Associated Forms Type of Document Document Owner Most Recent Approval Date
Information Technology Guidelines for Protecting Your Mobile Device guideline Information Services 2013
Information Technology 网上个人资料保护指引 guideline Information Services 2013
Information Technology Employee Network/Email Account Provisioning policy Information Services 2015
Information Technology 用于大学业务的便携式电信设备 policy Information Services 2014
Information Technology Responsible Computing policy Information Services 2013
Information Technology Requests for Student Records and Information policy Information Services 2013
Information Technology Network Accounts procedure Information Services 2014
Information Technology Web Policy policy Web Communications 2008
Functional GroupGoverning Document And Associated FormsType of DocumentDocument OwnerMost Recent Approval Date
Institutional Research and College RecordsInstitution-Wide Strategic Planning, 包括检讨及修订院校使命及愿景声明policyAcademic Affairs2007
Institutional Research and College RecordsDisposal of Confidential RecordsguidelineInformation Services2014
Institutional Research and College RecordsBio-Demographic Data Collection and UsepolicyInformation Services2014
Institutional Research and College RecordsCollege RecordspolicyInformation Services2013
Institutional Research and College RecordsData Requests FormformInstitutional Research and Planning2015
Institutional Research and College RecordsRequests For Public Records FormformInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College Records学院外部各方的调查研究要求formInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College RecordsRIC内部各方的调查研究要求formInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College RecordsCollege Administrative PoliciespolicyInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College RecordsData StandardspolicyInstitutional Research and Planning2014
Institutional Research and College RecordsData RequestspolicyInstitutional Research and Planning2015
Institutional Research and College RecordsInstitutional Research & 策划及协助管理电子调查policyInstitutional Research and Planning2014
Institutional Research and College RecordsSurvey ResearchpolicyInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College RecordsRequests For Public RecordsprocedureInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College Records学院行政政策模板的官方政策templateInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College Records学院行政政策模板的官方指导方针templateInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College Records大学行政政策模板的官方做法templateInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College Records学院行政政策模板的官方程序templateInstitutional Research and Planning2013
Institutional Research and College Records大学行政政策模板的官方声明templateInstitutional Research and Planning2013​​

行政与财务部只负责管理与学院行政职能有关的文件. 下列机构有自己的规则制定权,应直接联系它们寻求帮助:

Rhode Island College entrance


Division of Administration & Finance

该部门负责财务和预算系统和流程, information services, human resources, security and safety, facilities and operations, publishing services, and capital projects for a 47 building, 180-acre campus.​​​​​​​​​